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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Today's Thoughts...

It just happens to be Christmas, and I am having some deep thoughts. I am thinking about the New Year and New Goals. I'm focused on spiritual goals. I've been thinking so much about PHILOSOPHY and the meaning of Life lately. I've thought a lot about the Savior's birth this Christmas, and I've thought about our purpose and the Plan~of~Happiness. I'm so excited to read the New Testament again (well I've read the 4 gospels a lot). But... here's what I read in my new little daily New Testament Thought book:

December 25,

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." -Revelation 18:4

"The strait gate and narrow way leadeth unto life, that is, eternal life to dwell in the presence of God. The reason that FEW will find the narrow way is because it requires stern self-discipline, determination, and self-denial. Not many are willing to pay the price in work and effort. Most are content to drift with the crowd and follow the easy ways of the world."

I read this yesterday and reread it today and am really contemplating it. "The reason that few will find the narrow way is because..."

Few will find...
Narrow is the way...
What it takes:
STERN self-discipline

Following our Heavenly Father's Plan and Trying to be like Jesus are HARD. Few will find it. It takes Stern self-discipline, determination, and self-denial.

From this same book:

January 2

"And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." - Luke 2:6-7

"The MOST important event in the history of the world was the birth of Jesus Christ. From the days of Adam to John the Baptist-some four millennia- righteous men and women looked to the day of His heralded birth. Prophets foretold the event, and sacrifices, symbolism, and signs portended His birth."

The MOST important event in history... The birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
How do I honor and respect Him? Follow Him, Strive to be more like Him? By SERVING and LOVING others.

I have also thought a lot about His resurrection and His Second Coming.

These are important events in history too. What am I doing to prepare for this (2nd Coming)?

Not so sure...

One thing I do know is... It's up to ME. I am in charge of ME. I decide what I want to do... AND... "It's never too late to be what you might have been." -George Elliot

It's not too late for me to be a kinder, better person. It's not too late for me to be more like Jesus. I pray that I can have more self-control, more determination, and BE more like Jesus in action and deed.

*Merry Christmas*

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