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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday Conference

I have so many thoughts about the Saturday LDS Conference Sessions.

I feel so inspired and uplifted. I truly feel like my thoughts the past few weeks have been right in~line with what was being taught and spoken.

My favorite talk was Dieter Uchtdorf's talk in the morning session. WoW!!! What a talk! All about HOPE!!! Hope, HOPE, HOPE!!! Loved it! Have Faith, Hope, and Charity. What an excellent example he is and his mother and family.

I loved the music. I have been thinking especially this past week about how I NEED the Lord every second and every Hour. I was so happy to hear that song as the last song of the morning conference. I was overwhelmed with emotion. I kept thinking. I have been inspired. God has been answering my prayers. I cannot overcome all my difficulties at once. But... I have been making progress and God LOVES me!

I also loved the morning song, "Do What is Right." That has been my mantra. Be Nice... Do what God would have you do. Do God's Will not Lynette's will. Do what is right.

I LOVE my family, friends, students, and most of all God and His Son Jesus Christ.

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