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Sunday, March 4, 2007

Esse Quam Videre

Who Are You?... Whom do you want to become? Who are you spiritually? Those were the questions I saw as I sat down in my church meeting today. I was completely shocked. That is exactly what I have been thinking about the last couple of weeks, and I've expressed that in my blogs. As I read these questions now, I still take a deep breath. Those are such important questions. But... really the answer is simple. I want to be more like Jesus.

As I sat and stared at these questions initially I began to think of my accomplishments in this life and my shortcomings, and how I want to overcome them and be someone that is successful. But, as I read the last question my eyes filled up with tears. Who am I spiritually?

As I read the title of my blog finding happiness along the way. What will make me happy in this life? Living a Christlike life and returning to live with my Father in Heaven at the end of this life. So, why do I so easily stray from this understanding? The world, my mind, my pride, people around me, and my priorities ALL get in the way. As I look for strength and guidance in overcoming problems or weaknesses, what do I do? I try to solve them all on my own, or possibly ask a friend, or even a specialist such as a doctor or look on the internet at what experts say. Why? Why? Why do I so easily forget that I can easily ask My Maker for help and guidance whenever I need it. He would only want me to be happy and guide me down the right path.

Back to my lesson...The actual theme of the lesson was Conversion. Our teacher did such a marvelous job showing how each of us even if we grew up in Utah and were born into a Mormon family have had our own conversions. But how are we converted? First, the seed is planted and we have to have the desire. Next, we need to build a testimony and gain the knowledge of what we are expected to do. Finally, we need to be converted. We need to change. We need to become. We need to DO. We need to apply what we've learned into our daily lives. I have the desire, I have the testimony, and it is time to be converted and BE.

"Esse Quam Videre"
To Be Rather Than To Seem

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