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Sunday, February 19, 2012

School Updates

What I've been up to lately:

I am very happy to say that I have been spending a lot of time at school. I truly feel this year has gone really smoothly at school *although I still love to point out all the things that could still be even better*.

#1 I have been able to teach after school from 3:05-4:05 and don't worry about Ben or Whitney because they are taken care of. Ben is attending his own after school at Clayton and I can pick him up after my after school about 4:30. Or... whit can pick him up.

#2 I am also asking my students to come in and read or finish homework in the morning from about 7:50-8:10. I wish it could be a little earlier.

#3 I ONLY have 20 students and LOVE it!!!!!!!!

School is going really, really well this year, and I am so happy about that.

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