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Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

"We must become the change we want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

This was the quote of the day from one of my daily websites: ThinkExist.Com

And... even though I've heard and read this quote many times... it still means a lot to me. I even compare it to how I can be more like Jesus. I have to BE the CHANGE that I want to see. I can NOT think about or let others past character judgments about me influence my own self ~ concept.

Yes, I, Lynette Miller, CAN be like Jesus. It really doesn't matter if anyone else believes that I can. It matters if I believe I can.


I can be MORE like Jesus.
More Forgiving
More Kind
More Loving
More Patient
More Charitable
More Thoughtful
More like Him.