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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Day at a Time...

I feel really great about where I am right now. I am really trying to live ODAT (One Day at a Time). It's wonderful and freeing to live in such a way. I don't feel like I am pressuring myself to be perfect either. I don't have to dwell on the past or FEAR about the future. Both of these feelings for me are very harmful.

So... I have a new goal also. My brother has recruited me to do a triathlon with him. I am going to do the Olympic distance. Olympic distance means: 1 mile swim, 30 mile bike, and 10K run. Here's the site:

It's the Xango Echo Triathlon. I am really excited, but I don't want to get too competitive and psych-o-ed out about it. LOL! I get weird about exercise somtimes. All or Nothin' BABY!

I've been so proud of myself lately. I've really been content with moderate exercise. That is a huge step in the right direction.

Also, I've felt really good the last two weeks spiritually. I've been attending both OA and LDS Recovery meetings. They have really helped me to be more humble. I am appreciating the people and things around me. I have felt calmer because of these meetings. I have felt a sense of self forgiveness. It's been really quite miraculous.

On Sunday, I went to the zoo with my family. For the first time in probably over a year maybe even more, I felt the "old" lol old-younger Netty return. I was happy and smiling and saying "hi" to strangers I didn't know. Just felt really, really good. I appreciated the moment.

So... FOR TODAY... Things are going well.

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