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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Faith Lesson

I was asked last Sunday to prepare a church lesson for my 13 year old daughter's Sunday School Class. I accepted without knowing the lesson. I have mixed feelings about teaching her class and honestly, I've declined teaching it before. But I without hesitation this time accepted.

So... this week in OA I've been working on step 2. Studying, praying, meditating, reflecting and truly trying to understand my relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ. I've read the BB and the 12 and 12 and over and over it comes back to FAITH!!!

Imagine my great surprise, when I opened the lesson manual this morning and the lesson that I am giving is on FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ. I couldn't believe it really. So, this morning I've been studying the church lesson and made this worksheet for her class:

Easter Sunday Lesson

________________ in the Lord Jesus Christ

“_____________ is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore, if

ye have __________ ye __________ for things which are ______________

______________, which are ___________” (Alma 32: _____)

What does having FAITH mean to you?

What questions do you have about Faith?

What did you learn today about Faith that can help you in your life?

Fourth Article of Faith:

We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: First, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; Second repentance; Third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; Fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

***What two things does this article of faith teach us about FAITH?


Read also: 2 Nephi 9:23 and Mosiah 3:17

God works in amazing ways. It has been truly miraculous for me this week to focus on my relationship with Him. I was also able to go to my first ever LDS version of AA last night. It was very helpful, and I would honestly love to somehow be able to attend 2 meetings a week. One OA and one through the church. The meeting last night reminded me that I've been in alcohol recovery for nearly 8 years (2 minor binge relapses to get it COMPLETELY out of my system). I have had absolutely NO desire to drink or get drunk.

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