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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Just Another Day

Today is another Just Write day. I am so proud of my kids and think they of course are the cutest, so I wanted to add another picture: LoL... My son is going to a baseball game and DD is going to a church activity that she needed to dress up like a cowgirl for. Don't they look adorable? My daughter is out at her dad's house this weekend and it really freaks me out big time! I know that he is not 1/100 as strict as I am, and I worry that she is having a little too much free time. She confided in me also that the 14 year old girl that she just adores that is out there has smoked. I asked her if it was in front of her, but she said no. Still... I just worry about her hanging out with older girls and wanting to be accpeted etc... So, the dilemma for me is do I let her go out there or try to redirect her and not let her visit out there as much? I feel like it's a no win situation. My son HATES going out to visit Toko as he calls him. We even helped buy a Nintendo Wii to keep out there for him to play to see if he ever wanted to go. But... not even the Wii makes him want to go out there. I am secretly thrilled. Just because I like that he likes being at home and then I know what he's doing and not having too much "free" time to sit around doing nothing. I kid you not, they don't do much out there but sit around and play video games.So... just another day.

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